For orders revoked after dispatch and while in transit or rejected on the doorstep (in case of cash on delivery orders), Rs.100 shipping charges will be imposed. For pre-paid orders, the same will be deducted during the refund process, and in the case of COD- reward points will be subtracted.
All purchases are transported from our warehouse in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu( write the name of the place from where your warehouse is situated) by reputed courier agencies.
All products are homemade whereas it requires time in preparing them so delivery can take a little longer. You can expect delivery between 7 to 14 working days if you are residing in India.
14-21 working days will be required for international delivery (PS: international deliveries may be answerable to customer’s duties that the buyer will have to give to receive the package. We only impose shipping fee and not customs. )
The order will be delivered between 9 am – 8 pm from Monday to Saturday.
Experience FREE shipping for purchases up to Rs. 1000/- (you can change the number accordingly)
Rs. 100 for purchases under Rs.1000/-
Rs. 150 for all types of Cash on Delivery Orders.
Goods will have to be signed for before the final delivery of your order. If you cannot approve your delivery, please suggest an alternative, i.e., a family member, colleague, neighbour, etc.
Jehovah blends take no duty for goods signed by an alternative person.
Jehovah blends are not accountable for damage after delivery.
All claims for deficits or damages must be filed to customer service on the day of delivery.
Shipping and handling rates may revolve based on the product, packaging, size, volume, and other concerns. The shipping and handling costs are given at the time of inspection, and consumers will know about this before making payments.
Returns are simple. Contact us to commence a return. In case you want to know our replacement and refund policy, please email us.